Last night hubby and I were invited to Essense and Toyotas promoparty down in Chelsea. I also invited my Swedish friend Martin that just moved to the city to work at the swedish resturant Aquavit.
The event started out like all perfect parties should...with free alcohol;) Then there was a fashion show by Ghita (the desginer behind the brand is Kanyee West ex), her fall line was cool but the spring line not as impressive. The one shocking thing was that one of the models wore ballerina flats...comfortable for the model, but should runway shows be comfortable or fashionable?
Although it was fun to see some familiar faces on the runway show, two of the ex contestant from America's Next Top Model were there working the to see that they actually get booked after the show.
A little later in the evening Keisha Cole performed, eventhough she just sang two songs she did them perfectly. But as the fashion student I am I couldn't help noticing how her dress had been badely draped with needles to fit her!
We met some cool people at the event, and of them even introduced my friend Martin to some wing man ever! After the party we went down to the meat packing distric to have a late dinner at Marcus Samuelssons latest resturant Merkato.
It was a fun night in the city, but unfortunately it ended with us coming home to a soaking couch...our neighbors airconditioning had leeked so our ceiling was dripping water on my precious IKEA coatch=(